Wednesday 7 March 2018

Making time for myself

So the latest bout of depression has been and gone... thank goodness.
It was a tough time, but I feel completely back to 'normal' now.
As with the nature of the Beast though, a low period means it's usually followed by a high where I try and over-compensate with the kids. This time I've tried harder though to keep myself on an even keel and it seems to be working. Things are stable but we're still managing to have some fun.

I've realised that I need to make more time for me and try to become a bit kinder to myself. Yoga has helped a huge amount with that. I started in the New Year because my back was hurting horribly. Now, at the very least, on a Tuesday and Thursday morning when Ed is at Kindergarten I take the time out to do at least half an hour. Its relaxing, good exercise and... grounding, which is really what I need. Especially with the bipolar. It makes me concentrate on myself and how I'm feeling.
I've been following a programme on YouTube called True: Your 30 Day Yoga Journey, hosted by a wonderful teacher called Adriene. I was a complete beginner (well, I still am!) and I've found the course supportive and gentle. Perfect for the MS. My back and legs have both improved through the practice and my core strength is better.
I think it helps with my confidence too because every time I complete a session I congratulate myself for turning up and giving it a go. ☺

I need to get into writing again too and keep up to date with this blog in particular. Documenting my thoughts and feelings is also a kind of therapy for me.
So here I am, at soft play while I wait for Lib to finish drama, writing this post. Having screaming kids running around me isn't quite my idea of 'me' time, but it's a start! If I can take little moments for me amongst the madness of life I'll be on the right track.

With or without health issues, it's so important for any Mum to make time for themselves. It's Mother's Day on Sunday. Make it count by doing something for you. 😃

At Playspace...trying to look sane. 

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